Inverness Methodist Church


50 Huntly Street, Inverness IV3 5HS
Hello and welcome to the website of Inverness Methodist Circuit.
We are the most northerly Methodist Circuit in Scotland and in the United Kingdom mainland as a whole.
We are unique in this part of Scotland and the only Methodist Church in the Highlands but we are still part of a worldwide family of Methodists under the direction of the British Methodist Conference.
Methodists have been meeting in Inverness since 1761.
We meet for worship every Sunday at 11:00am.
(see services for further details).
We are a friendly Church so you are assured of a warm welcome should you come and worship with us.
​If you cannot be in the building then the service is shown on YouTube. Please contact us for the weekly link.
A Fellowship Group meets on Sunday evenings at 7:00pm online. Please contact us if you would like to be involved.
For other current events look here.
Please feel free to explore the rest of the site and “haste ye back” whenever you want.
We are called to be a growing, inclusive, evangelistic and justice-seeking church
God loves you
no strings attached
That's the good news
Two newsletters of activity in Inverness - the UHI Christian newsletter is here and the CYC Newsletter (which gives details of the activities of the YMCA in Inverness) is here.
​On Thursday 23rd January at 7:30 there is a service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at Crown Church. Everyone is welcome.
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