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Welcome to the Girl Guiding Units of Inverness Methodist Church

All meetings are held in the church halls

9th Inverness

Age Group:  Girls aged 5 to 7 years

Mondays 4.15pm - 5.15pm during term time
Contact:  Karen on 07781 621301


Rainbows are the youngest members of Girlguiding and we enjoy a variety of activities, including playing games, simple cooking, crafts, singing, and chatting! Rainbows have had a makeover recently and we now have a smart new uniform, a new programme called the Rainbow Roundabout and some more badges, and we occasionally have sleepovers!  

4th Inverness

Age Group:  Girls aged 7 to 10 years

Mondays 5.30pm - 7pm during term time
Contact:  Sam on 01463 798811


 Brownies are aged 7-10 years and you can join whether or not you have been a Rainbow. We have weekly meetings and the girls help to plan our programme of activities, which can include games, singing, crafts, or cooking and we like to get involved in helping others, finding out more about the world around us and to get outside if the weather is good. We  still like to earn badges to sew on our modern uniform. 
 Each year we go away for a night or two all together, when our leaders are feeling really energetic!

4th Inverness

Age Group:  Girls aged 10 and 14 years

Mondays 7.15pm - 8.45pm during term time
Contact:  Penny on 01808 511327


You are welcome to join Guides between the ages of 10 and 14 whether or not you have been a Brownie. In this section of Girlguiding the members have even more input into the programme planning and organisation. We work with friends in our patrols on 'Go for its', which are like mini activity topics about healthy eating, animals, life skills and parties to name but a few. We still like to earn badges and have fun and play games.

We can also help organise outings, sleepovers and camps and we have the opportunity to participate in larger scale projects like the Gang Show and national on international camps.

The Girlguiding UK website is

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