Inverness Methodist Church

A very warm welcome to Inverness Methodist Church.
Whether you are from the local area or further afield, thank you for being curious and checking out our website. I hope you find what you are looking for.
If we can be of any help or if you have questions, please get in touch.
We hold worship services once a week on Sunday mornings at 11am. The Bible passages that we focus on each Sunday are usually drawn from the ecumenical lectionary, but the preacher on the day is free to choose a different passage. Following the Methodist system, Sunday services are led by an individual drawn from a small group of worship leaders/preachers, both Lay and Ordained, and each Sunday one of them is ‘Planned’ for that Sunday. Details for each week are shown here.
Services of Holy Communion are celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, unless the church calendar requires a different arrangement. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table, whether you have been a Christian for many years or you are just exploring. After the service we usually gather in the back hall for tea and coffee, all are welcome to come through for a blether.
Our services are usually live streamed, and they can be accessed on YouTube by requesting a link via this website.
Revd Andy Bryer